information for transformational people

Climate 3 246God saw that it was good 

From videos by the Baptist Union Environment Network (BUEN)

BUEN,  The Fuelcast and Scientists in Congregations have partnered to produce 4 videos that weave stunning visual imagery with a narrative entwining science and faith, taking people deeper into the wonder, mystery and meaning of the world.

The project is led by Dave Gregory and Andy Thomas, two Baptist ministers who share a concern over the climate and environmental crisis. Dave, a former meteorologist and climate scientist, is a Baptist missioner in science and environment and leads the Baptist Union Environment Network (BUEN). Andy is a pioneer minister, filmmaker and leads The Fuelcast media production company.

In such a visual age, “God saw that it was good” aims to take people on a further step of encounter. Beyond wondering about the “how” and “why” of science’s mechanistic approach towards an encounter with the God of creation through the visual senses. Engaging the heart as well as the head, the project seeks to re-enchant people’s perception of the world around them.

The authors hope the images and videos will connect viewers with the divine shaper of creation and a deeper appreciation of the wonder of science’s description of the world, leading to deeper discipleship - walking more softly with God among his creation in an age of climate and environmental change. 

You can download for free the 4 x 21 minute videos here (or play them from Youtube).

Here is video 2 - Sky:

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From videos by the Baptist Union Environment Netwo, 07/05/2024

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