information for transformational people

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A 3D-printed BioHome, a 100-percent recyclable house 
Printing a home in as little as two days and thanks to its natural composition from wood left over by local mills, the home acts as a carbon sink, sequestering 46 tons of carbon dioxide per 600sq-ft unit.
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3 things cities do to foster innovative local government 
Research identified; a) New institutions that are “licensed to innovate”, b) Approaches based in design thinking, c) Nurturing more creative bureaucracies...
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What information, if it were flowing through the people of your community,
would start them on a journey together toward really strong, healthy living?

Could your church take up the Resilience Challenge? See more here.

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What is family? 
Cultures, values, social expectations, laws have changed over time and vary from place to place. In research, love and unconditional non-judgemental support had universal agreement as being important, but what about legal and blood ties?
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Ministry in the age of AI - 1
25% of adults say that they would trust an AI response if they asked it questions about Christian teachings and beliefs. That rises to 40% for Gen Z and Millennials. We face interesting questions about how to do ministry.
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Pressing into prayer for revival 
"I've seen a vision of England, and over her I can see spots of light. Light. City after city. I believe God is going to raise up an army of light all over the nation." Let's believe. Let's constantly press in prayer.
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Your Workspace Matters 
Your physical workspace has spiritual significance. You carry the presence of God into the workplace. It can be a surprisingly hostile place as a result. So how can you pray effectively over that space?
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Resilience in turbulent times? The answer is community. 
A strong community is an amazing place for young to grow up in and elderly to age in. We've got connection, share resources, feel safe, our hearts belong. But what's it got to do with resilience?
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Art diversion programme allows young to exit justice system
In 10 years, 1,400+ young people diverted away from jail or sanctions. Their art is used to advocate for legal reform and show their many facets, strengths, aspirations.
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15 observations in disciple making movements in urban locations - 2
Today, 4.4 billion people (56% of the global population) live in cities. People in cities are increasingly unreached. 15 insights for growth from research and questions to consider.. part 2.
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Food as freedom 
The ability to know where your next meal is coming from is empowering. If you don't know how to answer that question, as the hunger pains increase, you will do whatever you can to get food on the table.
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Everybody needs good neighbourhoods 
Communities with neighbourhood-based initiatives exhibit; lower overall levels of crime, a greater reduction in levels of anti-social behaviour, a greater reduction in levels of criminal damage, a better neighbourhood environment and..
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Tackling Trauma, Ending Homelessness 
94% of people facing homelessness have experienced trauma. We can only end rough sleeping and homelessness if we tackle trauma. Research about this 'Catch 22'...
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15 observations in disciple making movements in urban locations - 1 
Today, 4.4 billion people (56% of the global population) live in cities. People in cities are increasingly unreached. 15 insights for growth from research and questions to consider.. part 1.
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The vocation journey of Cam Moss 
"Currently I own a small business that helps other businesses with their people problems. I have a background in missions, then into being a pastor and then into the business world..."
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Services based on relationships to fix our social problems
"I want to tell you about Ella. Ella is stuck. She has lived with crisis for 40 years. There were 73 different services on offer for her. 73 services run out of 24 departments in one city.."
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The courage of parenting if you have a history of trauma 
On one hand you want your children to get what you didn’t, have opportunities you didn’t have. On the other, you worry that they don’t appreciate what they have and won’t get strengths you have.
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How can we speak clearly and powerfully about racism? 
Reframing Race spoke to 20,000 people in England and Scotland about race and racism. They tested messages with the public. New ways of talking about racism lead to new ways of listening. A guide..
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