information for transformational people

Videos 246Smart videos for curious minds 

From The Kids Should See This

The Kids Should See This is an award-winning collection of 5,000+ child-friendly videos, curated for teachers and parents who want to share smarter, more meaningful media in the classroom and at home. And it’s free and available for everyone.

Selections are grown-up-friendly, too. It champions STEM, art, history, and culture-focused content by museums, organizations, and creators who celebrate curiosity, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, kindness, and other essential themes for all ages. 

10 to 15 videos are added every week. You can browse the collections based on subjects and search topics in the archives. 

It spotlights a wide variety of short and engaging videos that can start conversations, spark questions, & inspire offline exploration for all ages.
Adults can learn new stuff, too. “You know, there are actually no adults. It’s just that adults are the oldest kids.”

When videos appeal to children and adults alike, it’s a lot more fun to sit down and watch together, and it’s easier to model curiosity and critical thinking. Parent and mentor involvement has a lasting impact on children, helps build a shared vocabulary, and provides an opportunity to demonstrate that learning doesn’t stop as we grow older.

You can also become a member at very reasonable fees, which helps support the site. You can then be informed regularly about latest videos.

Visit site here.

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From The Kids Should See This, 24/11/2021

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