information for transformational people

Networking 246The vocation journey of Cam Moss 

From an article by At Work On Purpose

The vocation journey for Cam Moss has taken him from the world of professional ministry into the world of the marketplace, but to him, it is all the same.

Asked about his current profession, he says: “Currently I own a small business that helps other small and medium sized businesses with their people problems. We do that primarily in the recruiting and HR space. I have a background in missions mobilization, then I transitioned into being a pastor in a local church and then into the business world.”

When asked about his vision for bringing his faith to work Cam says, "For me, it was learning to quickly evaluate someone to see where they are on their spiritual journey. How can God use me to help them, whether it’s five minutes, five weeks or five years - to take them further to the next base.

"That’s the mentality I have when I go into any business environment. It’s starts with prayer, asking the Lord before I walk in the door, whether it’s a one on one, a networking meeting, a new client. Asking Him to show me, to open doors for me, so I can serve Him well, represent Him well and serve these wonderful people in their spiritual journey. I’ve watched him do that time and time again in answer to that prayer.”

When asked how he sees God showing up in the workplace, Cam comments, “Any time you go into a business meeting with a mentality like that, when God does open a door, you end up spending the majority of your conversation on the things of the Lord and not necessarily for the business purposes for which you intended for the meeting in the first place.

"So to give an example, going into a networking meeting and the Lord opening a door to meet with another man who begins to share his marriage struggles. By the time the meeting is over, we are both crying, we are both praying together. When a man shares his heart like that to a complete stranger you know that’s a miracle. The Holy Spirit is working powerfully.

"So then you’re getting to the end of the meeting and you realize you haven’t found any new clients. You haven’t given your business cards to anyone. But the Lord just holds you there. He won’t let you leave because you are in the middle of life changing ministry. You walk away thinking I didn’t do anything for my start-up business. You start to think how am I going to provide? How am I going to make this business work? I can tell you, by God’s grace, He has given us a harvest for seeds we never planted. That is His favour, Him honouring obedience.

"To step out in faith, take a risk. Most of the New Testament calls Christians to do things that don’t make financial sense. They don’t make sense for our safety, they don’t make sense for our comfort. And yet when we obey, we walk in His will, He works all things together for good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. And I have watched that play out time and time again.”

Read the full article here.

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From an article by At Work On Purpose, 13/03/2024

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