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Articles (249 found)

An innovation process for a town/city
Towns/cities today must respond effectively to the needs of increased urbanisation. To do this, they need to learn, embrace an innovation process in their practices that involves local people and others. An example..
The root of social connections in a community 
Community building is about the vitality of connections, not tasks they perform or possessions they accrue. Such vitality is most evident in the quality of relationships rather than the quality of projects.
The Wellbeing Journey 
Churches are in a unique place to lead communities on an 8-part video journey to improved physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. It's based around 7 key areas of wellbeing. "It's been amazing."
Ministry in the age of AI - 2 
Some of the adoptions of AI by churches. Summarising meeting notes, action points, sermons, manuscripts, etc. Things that are more strategic - building insights, trends. Giving pastoral care advice and coaching leaders...
3 things cities do to foster innovative local government 
Research identified; a) New institutions that are “licensed to innovate”, b) Approaches based in design thinking, c) Nurturing more creative bureaucracies...
Ministry in the age of AI - 1
25% of adults say that they would trust an AI response if they asked it questions about Christian teachings and beliefs. That rises to 40% for Gen Z and Millennials. We face interesting questions about how to do ministry.
Resilience in turbulent times? The answer is community. 
A strong community is an amazing place for young to grow up in and elderly to age in. We've got connection, share resources, feel safe, our hearts belong. But what's it got to do with resilience?
Everybody needs good neighbourhoods 
Communities with neighbourhood-based initiatives exhibit; lower overall levels of crime, a greater reduction in levels of anti-social behaviour, a greater reduction in levels of criminal damage, a better neighbourhood environment and..
Services based on relationships to fix our social problems
"I want to tell you about Ella. Ella is stuck. She has lived with crisis for 40 years. There were 73 different services on offer for her. 73 services run out of 24 departments in one city.."
How can we speak clearly and powerfully about racism? 
Reframing Race spoke to 20,000 people in England and Scotland about race and racism. They tested messages with the public. New ways of talking about racism lead to new ways of listening. A guide..
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Events (4 found)

In-Person and Online - Social Outcomes Conference 2024 - Oxford
@Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, Walton Street, Oxford
“Accountability, transparency, & trust in cross-sector partnerships”
In a world grappling with unprecedented challenges and near-constant crisis, collaboration is not a luxury but a necessity. At this year’s Social Outcomes Conference we ask how we can foster collaboration and partnership working in a world of increasing uncertainty. In the face of these adversities, accountability, transparency, and trust become more vital than ever, forming the bedrock of cross-sector partnerships aimed at social change.

We ask: how can innovative contracting practices contribute to long-term, trust-based relationships? How can we use data not just to measure impact, but to actively drive improvement and hold partners accountable? How can we ensure that marginalised communities are meaningfully involved, not just consulted, in shaping and implementing solutions?

We will bring together the world’s leading researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to share cutting-edge insights and practical strategies for building partnerships that not only deliver social good, but do so with integrity and efficacy.
In-Person and Online - Louder than Words - the B-Corp Festival - Oxford
@New Theatre Oxford
The largest-ever gathering of B Corps to harness the power of people using business as a force for good. We’ll be bringing this growing community of 2,000 B Corps together, putting ideas into action and tackling the issues that matter.
Main stage and over 40 fringe events. Fringe sessions are grouped by three key themes: Regenerative futures, Leading the change and Now, together. These themes encompass everything it means to do business, better.
Online - The Strength of Community
How exactly do health communities help human beings to thrive? What is about them that is so essential to the way we function as individuals? What can we do, in the midst of escalating poverty and disconnection, to strengthen our communities?

These are the questions ACE-Aware Scotland will be exploring in our 2024 event. There could be no one better to help us in addressing these questions than this year’s invited speaker: Professor Sir Michael Marmot.
In-Person and Online - Churches that Change Communities - Liverpool
@Frontline Church Liverpool, Frontline Centre, 147 Lawrence Road, Wavertree, Liverpool,
Change is possible. Sometimes that is hard to believe. Hoping for change – in the lives of those we support and in the systems that hold them down – can be draining over time. Often change takes a lot longer than we would like.
Perhaps that is why the Bible says “let us not grow weary in doing good” – God knows that pouring ourselves into deeds of mercy and justice is hard. It can be exhilarating and joyful, but it can also be exhausting, frustrating and disappointing.
Our aim at Churches that Change Communities 2024 is to provide a place where we can be refreshed in God and inspired again to believe that change really is possible – in our own lives, for the people we serve, for our churches, our neighbourhoods, and our nation.

To submit a story or to publicise an event please contact us. Sign up for email here.