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Articles (26 found)

15 observations in disciple making movements in urban locations - 2
Today, 4.4 billion people (56% of the global population) live in cities. People in cities are increasingly unreached. 15 insights for growth from research and questions to consider.. part 2.
15 observations in disciple making movements in urban locations - 1 
Today, 4.4 billion people (56% of the global population) live in cities. People in cities are increasingly unreached. 15 insights for growth from research and questions to consider.. part 1.
Intimacy, imagination, innovation
Intimacy - create rhythms and patterns of intimacy - familial friendship with God. Imagination - take time to both dream and receive revelation. Innovation - try new things - prototype, test, learn.
Three great commissions  
A business leader told me that, when he began his career working for a mission organization, he was often prayed for at church. But when he later decided to go into business, those prayers stopped...
Embedding spiritual practices and seeing the benefits 
"What impact would we see if we taught a group of disciples some tailor-made spiritual practices with a whole-life focus, and helped them integrate those practices into their lives?" 10 observations..
What we can learn from the persecuted church?
"We see discipleship in two ways within the church. First is an intense encounter with Jesus. This is quite common. That intense encounter brings out the second - a following of Christ and paying the cost."
What happens when we pray
We've been praying from the year 2000 for the transformation of our city, Liverpool. We're just seeing transformation after transformation after transformation. Don't be afraid to pray big prayers.
Standing firm
The risks and rewards of pioneering. We need to be a people who stand firm. Stand firm in our calling. Stand firm against the schemes of the enemy. Stand firm in our faith...
Growing a healthy and mature prophetic culture 
10 years ago, God spoke to Cath very clearly and told her to start multiplying. Taking things that He'd been teaching them in their church, going to others and enabling them to grow a healthy prophetic culture.
'Worth dying for and therefore worth living in'
There's a strong sense in E Mediterranean churches that we know how to be a martyr church, how to stand our ground when pressure comes. Makes us aware of the pursuit of the commitments we hold.
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Events (2 found)

In-Person - City Reachers 2024 - Coventry
The next in person gathering for of City Reachers network. This will be with Jeff Vanderstelt and Todd Milby from the US. We will be reviewing progress since last year and will be getting fresh input to help us develop our city reaching strategies. We’ll be identifying blockages and keys to moving forward. We will also be taking some deeper dives into more of the 5 identified priorities of; Citywide Prayer, Disciple Making Strategies, Leader Health, Serving The City, Multiplying Churches
In-Person - Beyond the Familiar: Exploring Evangelism in the unknown - Hoddeston
@High Leigh, Lord Street, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire
The conference particularly focuses on the theme of Beyond the Familiar: Exploring evangelism in the unknown asking what we can learn from parts of the church with which we may be unfamiliar and the gift and challenge that they bring. Also TED type talks on; Evangelism amongst 20s-30s – sharing the good news with digital natives, Evangelism as storytelling, Trauma-informed evangelism – sharing the good news with those hurt by the church, ‘Spiritual but not religious’ – good news for the nones.

To submit a story or to publicise an event please contact us. Sign up for email here.